This month, we are opening with a new Anita Louise video. This time it's "Anita Louise and String of Pearls". The music of the same name is composed by Glenn Miller and is performed by Le Big Band de Marseilles. This is the sequel to "MuseVision Presents, Anita Louise", which proved so popular with folks near and far, that your moderator was persuaded to make another one. All new pictures of Anita were used in the making of the video, many can only be found at MuseVision.
Following the video, please view some new digital manipulations, or "manips" as they are often called. Cliff has been spending and good deal of time on the manips this month and has been neglecting some of his regular work here at MuseVision. We hope you like the pictures. Please click on them to see a larger version. More should follow next month.
# posted by DreamSpinner @ 9/30/2006 10:39:00 PM