Saturday, September 30, 2006

Following the video, please view some new digital manipulations, or "manips" as they are often called. Cliff has been spending and good deal of time on the manips this month and has been neglecting some of his regular work here at MuseVision. We hope you like the pictures. Please click on them to see a larger version. More should follow next month.

I found this anitque photo and thought it was irresistable for digital make-over. The sailor could be from many nations and, of course, we will never know his identity. His persona and charachter still resonate through time.

This picture is from a postcard from about the same time as the sailor above. There was a series of four pictures of the same model, each in "classical" poses. This one featured butterflies. One of them is lighting on her arm.

Starting out as a negative, rather than a photo, Andromeda seemed an apt title for this very old nude. It required a lot of labor to complete, and you will notice the picture is intentionally unfinished. This is due to the damage that the negative received over the years. There were whole parts of the surface that were missing. I think that fact adds to the fun. It's such a blend of old and new technologies.