Friday, February 10, 2006

Here is a Mailman on his rounds. I remember this pic came from Texas - '59 or '60, I'd say. Check out the coctail lounge and the sign with the "Harry's" ad going for it. You can certainly just feel the snow and wind on your face. The man standing in the shop opening looks like he feels lucky to have found a spot away from the wind.
The picture of Times Square is probably from 1932. As you can see in the background, "A Farewell to Arms" is playing. Helen Hayes and Gary Cooper star in it and it is interesting to note that Helen Hayes got top billing on the marquee. I wonder if those ladies in the foreground, obviously trying to brace themseleves against the cold, have seen the picture. In the distance there is two Lowe's Theatres, with names just the same as the Lowe's theatres in Washington, near where your humble moderator grew up. Curious detail. I guess they named all their theatres the same. This picture is obviously NYC at Times Square because of the big Pepsodent sign down the street. The original "King Kong" was filmed around this time and they used some footage of Times Square in the movie. This pepsodent sign has a few seconds of running time.
Well, I hope this eases your mind a little bit if you are freezing up in the north country. At least you know that you came from a long line of fellow sufferers.