Happy Valentine's Day
Today, Cliff, your faithful moderator, has gone out on a limb to test your patience by using MuseVision to try and reach out into cyberspace and contact a long, lost friend from way back in Elementary School. He is hoping the person might respond eventually. Good Luck! To all MuseVision readers: have a wonderful Valentines Day.
To Candy J.
It’s been fifty years since last we met. You and I were best chums in Mrs. P.’s third grade at McKinley Elementary School in Arlington Virginia. It was 1956. We both turned nine that year. Your Dad received a promotion and you had to move away at the end of June. After you left, I felt like crying. I wasn’t clever enough to obtain your new address
Still, guys from Arlington of my g-g-generation don’t cry. Well, we do cry, of course. I can’t get through “Affair to Remember” or “Little Princess” (I have a Granddaughter) without crying. Jeez, I still cry at the end of “Casablanca”, for cryin’ out loud. But we are not supposed to cry so we hold back the tears. If some teary eyes appear anyway, the trick is to always carry Visine with you so you can tell folks that the tears are from the Visine. That usually works if the folks are a little naïve. And, of course, we don’t eat Quiche either because “real men” don’t. Well, actually, we do eat quiche because, let’s face it, it’s savory and yummy as all get out, but our official policy is that we don’t eat it. I mean, who can stand in front of the runaway bus called “Real Men Don’t Eat Quiche” and not get run over. I’m not sure what real men are supposed to eat. I guess we should just take bites out of an actual live steer on the hoof – but, of course, only the organic ones. Today, we guys are even told that we are from Mars. Mars! Well, OK. Somebody has to shore up the “Mars” side of things, that’s for sure. At the end of the day, however, the bottom line is, as they say, that, we may be from Mars, but hope to spend considerable time transporting to Venus. It’s a truly daffy arrangement, all right, but, so far, no one has been able to think up a better plan –and if they did, I’m not sure I would care to see it.
That’s enough digression. If you are Candy J. and remember a kid named Cliff that you knew half a century ago, please consider getting in touch with me. I’m hoping that somewhere in cyberspace, you might find this blog as if it were a note in a bottle. There was a major reunion at Washington-Lee High School last year and all of us McKinley alumni spent considerable time going over all the info about Mrs. P.’s third grade that we could possibly remember. Mrs. P. attended the get-together herself and we all had a wonderful time. There are some interesting things to tell and I would be happy to share them with you. You can reach me at: musevision@hotmail.com
In the meantime, look at some of the photos from the ’55-’56 school year.
# posted by DreamSpinner @ 2/14/2006 12:53:00 AM