Tuesday, February 14, 2006

This first one is a Valentine card made using image software. The picture is from a small painting made several years ago using one of the pictures below as a model.
Here is a snapshot from my birthday party. It was my mother's idea to pose me with all the little girls that came. Candy is in the middle of the group. I don't think it was my idea to be photographed with my new softball and bat, but I guess there was some need in the photographer's mind.
Next there are two versions of the same picture. They are both of Mrs. P.'s class and were taken in December, '55. This picture was highly regarded at the Reunion last fall.
The final snapshot is another from the Birthday party in '56

Mrs. P.'s Class

Birthday Party 56. I seem to be looking rediculous while everyone else is staring at the camera. Candy is in the middle of the group. My sister must have taken the picture and I'm sure I was trying to make a wisecrack or something. I know, it serves me right. How dumb can a kid look?