Saturday, January 21, 2006

Welcome to MuseVision. My name is Cliff and I'm basically a guy from the sixties who has spent a good deal of life's energy on classical music, oil painting and much of the area in between. Fortunately, I also have friends interested in similar areas. I am also the "head" of a large extended family, so I have younger people around to keep me from plunging into total fogie-ism. I admire women of talent and accomplishment, and will be blogging about many of them as time goes by - not that I pretend to understand them at all - anything I write will be like graffiti on the subway. It's just a brief entertainment as we roll on down the line. That's where the "Muse" in MuseVision comes in. As you remember, they were daughters of Zeus, whose mission on earth was to inspire people in the arts and sciences. In this blog, many of their modern and historical counterparts will find a second home over the course of time.
I love to put little videos together - videoblogs, or "vlogs". Sometimes they will contain original art and/or music. Other times they will just be the "droppings of the mind as it flies". I expect to write about some of the interesting ideas that float my way - all derived from others, of course.