Welcome to MuseVision
This issue is devoted to photos from Arlington, Virginia, Falls Church, Virginia, and Georgetown, D.C. It's a nostalgia binge from beginning to end. We worked on these old photos to clean and clarify them and made a little Video we hope you will enjoy. Some of the photos are posted after the video. Be sure to click on them in order to view an enlargement. They will seem even larger if you download them for viewing. Please let us know if you find any serious errors. Thanks. Enjoy!
# posted by DreamSpinner @ 11/25/2006 09:42:00 PM

State Theatre, Falls Church, fallen on hard times, late 60's, early 70's
State Theatre, Falls Church, renovated and gentrified, 80's
Gifford's Ice Cream Shoppe, Lee Highway, Arlington, late 50's. The Mecca of Ice Cream in Arlington. The couple in the photo are pointing to one of their wonderful ice cream cake rolls. Yum. The scent of the place was unforgetable in every way.
The "Great Gate" of Seven Corners, now gone with the wind. Late 50's
# posted by DreamSpinner @ 11/25/2006 01:08:00 PM